20-22 novembre : congrès à Londres autour des œuvres complètes de D.W. Winnicott


The Winnicott Trust announces a conference to be held at the Institute of Psychoanalysis and the Brunei Gallery, London 

A celebration of the collected works of D. W. Winnicott: Donald Winnicott and the history of the present Speakers include: Stefano Bolognine, Vincenzo Bonaminio, Andrea Brady, Matt Ffytche, Juliet Hopkins, Angela Joyce, Anne Karpf, Zeljko Loparic, Lynne Murray, Kenneth Robinson, Rene Roussillon, Kenneth Wright

Early bird discount available from 13 April to 30 June ~ £225. After 30 June – £ 260.

There will be 50 places available at a cost of £ 150 for psychotherapy/psychoanalytic trainees.  Or, full time students on a post graduate course in psychoanalytic studies.  Evidence of status will be required.  To book a student/trainee  place  please contact  Marjory Goodall at  marjory.goodall@iopa.org.uk  .                             

For more information click here




Donald Winnicott and the history of the present



November 20/21/22 2015

Reception at the Institute of Psychoanalysis on Friday evening 20th, 6.30pm-8.30pm to include book launch and demonstration of the online edition of Collected Works led by Oxford University Press personnel and

Introduction by General Editors: Lesley Caldwell & Helen Taylor Robinson

Conference proper at Brunei Gallery SOAS, Saturday & Sunday morning

Saturday morning 21 November

 8.45am:                    Registration

9.20am                     WelcomeAngela Joyce, Chair of DWW Trust

First plenary paper

9.30-11am          The self in contemporary psychoanalysis through the lens of 

                                 Winnicott’s contribution

                                 Speaker: René Roussillon

                                 Chair: Jennifer Johns 

11.00-11.30 am        Coffee  

Second plenary paper 

11.30am–1pm         The analytic relationship and the person of the analyst

Speakers: Stefano Bolognini & Vincenzo Bonaminio    

Chair: Lesley Caldwell

1-2.00pm                 Lunch served 

  Afternoon Workshops: Saturday 21 November 2015, 2:00 to 3:30

1.                     The Journey from Thoughtless Acts to Actless Thoughts:

                        Understanding and Helping Troubled Children through a

                        Residential Treatment Programme

Presenter:      Richard Rollinson

 Discussant:     Ann Horne

 2.                     A Development of the Spatula Game:

            Bringing Parent-Infant Psychotherapy to a Universal Child Health Setting

Presenter:      Jessica James

 Chair:            Angela Joyce

3.                     Winnicott and Poetic Practice


Presenter:      Matt Ffytche and Andrea Brady

 Chair:            Helen Taylor Robinson

 4.                     Donald Winnicott, the Public Psychoanalyst:

            Broadcasting Beyond the Consulting Room

Presenter:      Anne Karpf and Brett Kahr

 Chair:            Ruth McCall

5.                     Winnicott’s Paradigm Shift in

                        Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinical Practice

 Presenter:        Zeljko Loparic

Chair:              James Rose

  6.                    DWW and Social Work

Presenter:         Pamela Trevithick

Chair:               Mary Twyman 

 3.30-4pm        Tea

 Third Plenary Paper   


                  Introduction: Juliet Hopkins 

                         ‘There’s no such thing as a baby: how close relationships support

                        development from birth to two’

                         Speaker:   Lynne Murray

                        Chair:       Judith Trowell

 Sunday morning 22 November 

 Fourth Plenary paper

10am- 11.30am    

            DWW on Culture & the Arts   

            Ken Wright & Ken Robinson      

            Chair:  Josh Cohen 

 11.30-12 noon            Coffee

 Fifth Plenary Paper


            Contemporary perspectives on the concept of regression 

            Speaker: Angela Joyce 

            Chair:     Barbie Antonis


            Final Discussion, panel of plenary speakers and goodbye

            Chair Helen Taylor Robinson 




The Winnicott Trust
Posted in Agenda.